I was off work for almost 10 days; it was good to take some rest and with a new energy continue to work. All these days I was at my parent’s house having fun with my brothers` kids. Today I am back to work. It`s hard to believe how time goes by you don`t even feel it.
Before I left I had a get together with my pretty good friends Bulgin and Vika, they used to work together with me for the adoption agency. All of us were translators. Right now we work in a separate places, funny thing is all of us work in construction business, it`s a priority number # 1 in Almaty.
We went to a mall and supposed to have pizza, but ended up having some pasta and beer, it was good though. We talked and talked about our American families and kids. We are proud to take part in the adoption procedure and helped little ones to find sweet homes and loving parents.
I guess job for the agency made us to be close to each other and each family’s problems became our own problems. I am thankful that I have such friends like Bulgin and Vika, who supports me all the time.
You girls are awesome!