Friday, February 1, 2008

Again 16.......:)

Good day friends,

Didn`t have lots to say lately till yesterday.
It was my birthday, cool I am getting older like a babushka J J J! People were asking me about my age so I said 16 again, cool age even if it`s 10th time.

In the morning when I came to the office the office manager of our company Anel my close friend took me by surprise. She brought some flowers and cards, but the most exciting was her cutting from construction paper some letters (in order to have a word- combination “Happy birthday”) and gluing it to my desk. So have a look at the pictures.

I haven`t planned to celebrate other then in the office. It`s a tradition to have some get together around the colleagues. It went very nice; people were joking around and wishing me so many wonderful things.

It`s always touching to know what people say about you. Sometimes people say that it doesn’t matter what people think of you, but I am sure it matters, because you can see yourself only from your tower and when you know the opinion of the others and if it`s very positive, it gives you more energy and some how helps you not to fall down and cheers you up.

After celebrating at the office me some colleagues went to the theater to see Kazakh performance named “Aiman -Sholpan”. It`s very old Kaz story about two twin sisters.
I had a nice time.

Hope I will have more exciting moments to share with you,
Take care,


Chris Sapp said...

Happy Birthday Nazym :-) I hope you got everything you were wishing for!!!

richiesdyingliver said...

Hey Nazym,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! This is a great blog. Thanks for posting it. All my best.

Wilson Fam said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SASSAU!!! We LOVE the pictures!! You are sooooo pretty. And it's good that you'll always be 16! lol!! We love you so much!! Big kisses!!! ;0)